
Osteopathy applies a holistic approach to the human body using non-invasive manual therapy, aiming to improve overall health by assessing the interconnection of various bodily systems.

All these systems are interconnected, and it is the Osteopath's role to apply the necessary stimuli for the body to utilize its inherent capacity to heal itself. Therefore, the role of an osteopath is to restore the balance between structure and function, allowing the body to self-heal.

Osteopathy is based on the principle that well-being depends on the proper functioning of all these systems and essentially acts at the level of the neuro-musculoskeletal system, approaching the patient in a holistic manner and focusing on the causes rather than just the symptoms presented.

Given this interconnection of systems, we can subdivide Osteopathy into Visceral, Cranial, and Structural (neuro-musculoskeletal). Only with exhaustive and in-depth knowledge of these three specialties can the Osteopath make their interconnection and thus treat the cause of symptoms rather than the symptom itself. This is because by mobilizing tissues, there is an improvement in mobility, free circulation of blood, and nerve impulses, allowing various organic, functional, and articular changes to occur that lead to physiological reactions enabling the body's homeostasis, thereby improving overall clinical status.Na Osteopatia Estrutural/músculo-esquelética, pode ser considerada a área da Osteopatia que foca a sua atenção no tratamento de problemas músculo esqueléticos, à qual recorre a técnicas de terapia manual com o objetivo de restabelecer a normal função destas estruturas.

These techniques are beneficial in the following cases:

  • Pain relief: Osteopathy can help alleviate muscular, joint, and other musculoskeletal-related pains. This can be especially useful for people suffering from conditions such as back pain, neck pain, tension headaches, and joint pains.

  • Improved mobility and flexibility: Techniques used by osteopaths aim to enhance joint function and mobility of soft tissues. This can result in increased flexibility and range of motion, enabling individuals to perform their daily activities more easily and comfortably.

  • Promotion of injury recovery: Osteopathy can expedite the recovery process of musculoskeletal injuries such as sprains, strains, and sports injuries. Treatments can help reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and promote healing of injured tissues.

  • Stress and tension reduction: Many people report feeling relaxed and relieved of stress after an osteopathy session. Techniques used during treatment can help release muscular tension and promote an overall sense of well-being.

  • Improved posture: Osteopathy can help correct muscular and postural imbalances, resulting in a more proper and aligned posture. This not only can help reduce pain and discomfort but also prevent future injuries.O Osteopata tem como grande missão perceber qual a origem dos sintomas da pessoa que tem à sua frente. E é importante perceber se a origem dos sintomas vem ou não de um órgão. Sim! Um órgão! Que se estiver a funcionar mal pode provocar entre outros uma dor de cabeça, dores de coluna ou uma dor no ombro.

Visceral Osteopathy aims to enhance the functioning of organs and viscera to establish a good connection between them and other bodily systems.

When there's an alteration in an organ, tensions and adhesions are formed in the fascia. This can limit blood and lymphatic circulation as well as the innervation of this organ and those adjacent to it. These changes can also lead to alterations in the body's physiology.

Symptoms arise from these alterations because a dysfunctional system affects the functioning of other structures (muscles, ligaments, nerves, and joints).

Visceral Osteopathy promotes health and optimal organ function through gentle manipulation techniques aimed at releasing fascial adhesions of the viscera. This improves blood circulation in the affected organ and its surroundings, thus enhancing their innervation as well.

Visceral Osteopathy is recommended in situations of:

  • Musculoskeletal Pain

  • Constipation

  • Heartburn

  • Hepatobiliary Disorders

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux

  • Menstrual Pains

  • Chest Pain

  • Lower Back Pain

  • Abdominal Pain

  • Slow Digestion

  • Shoulder Pain

Craniosacral Osteopathy treats the skull with a gentle and soothing touch, aiming primarily to assess, diagnose, and correct alterations in the Sacro-Cranial system, which plays a crucial role in the production, circulation, and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid.

Any imbalance in the skull can lead to neurological, mechanical, digestive, postural, and central nervous system dysfunctions. This therapy allows us to assess and diagnose these dysfunctions while also correcting possible imbalances in the cranial or sacro-cranial system.

Dysfunctions in the skull and sacrum can influence overall health.

The techniques applied in this therapy are gentle and precise, helping to release tension and restore balance in the skull/sacrum, which in turn alleviates many symptoms.


Osteopathy is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal dysfunctions and other systems of the body. It was developed in the late 19th century in the United States by physician Andrew Taylor Still.

Osteopaths believe that the human body has the ability to heal itself naturally and that this capacity can be facilitated through musculoskeletal manipulations, stretching techniques, exercises, and other therapeutic modalities. They typically view the body as a interconnected whole, rather than focusing solely on isolated symptoms.

Osteopaths are trained to perform diagnoses and treatments, often using manual techniques such as joint manipulation and soft tissue manipulation, with the aim of improving body function and mobility, relieving pain, and promoting overall health.

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